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Category:Asian Lady Beetle, Barriers, Best Seller, Box Elder Bug, Bug Barriers, Liquid, MCF, Residual, Spray
Harris Home Pest Control Asian Lady Beetle and Box Elder Bug Killer is odorless, and long lasting. The spray kills Asian lady beetles, boxelder bugs and other listed insects. Use the extended trigger sprayer to reapply according to label instructions. Always follow label directions before use.
Because both Asian Lady Beetles and BoxElder Bugs are overwintering pest the timing of application is important. Ideal application time is when the temperatures start to cool off and you start having longer nights, this will single to overwintering pest that winter is approaching.
This is the time these pests such as Asian Lady Bugs and Box Elder Bugs will try to gain access to the warmer areas inside your home. You will want to apply the product on the exterior of the home, concentrate on the southern side, and treat all entry points.
Areas such as electrical and plumbing penetrations, cracks in siding, openings in eaves. Try to fix any entry points prior to fall, and then spray accordingly.