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New Year’s Resolutions for Home Pest Control

Each new year is full of so much opportunity. This is a time to set the past aside and make resolutions for a better tomorrow. This year, we’re cracking down on pests harder than ever before.

Problems with pests can really bring your year down on top of all of the other challenges you have to face. Starting as early in the year as possible you can prepare yourself for any home pest control challenge that comes your way.

If you’re ready to stop pests from ruining your year, here are some New Year’s resolutions you can set to get your home pest control in check:

Stay Clean, Stay Tidy

One thing that pests love is a mess. Crumbs on the floor will draw in ants, rotting woodpiles attract termites, and cluttered attics are the perfect place for countless spiders and rodents. One of the best ways to keep pests out of your home throughout the entire year is to stay as clean and tidy as possible.

Accomplishing this task can be a challenge, especially for working parents or other people with tight schedules and stacks of responsibilities. 

Learn More About Pests in the Area

Certain pests will be more prevalent in your area than in other parts of the country. Knowing what types of pests are more common around your home helps you to know to look for signs of infestation and treat them immediately. When it comes to home pest control, knowledge certainly is power. 

For example, people living in the southern United States will have to worry more about mosquitos than those living in the colder northern region. If you live in the South, you’ll want to stock up on more mosquito repellants and request treatments that people in the North typically won’t have to. 

Certain pests are also more active depending on the time of year. Wasps and hornets are more active during the summer months, and you can use that knowledge to grab the equipment you need before you even spot a nest.

Be Prepared

That leads to a perfect segue into this final New Year’s Resolution: always be prepared. The sooner you can take action against the pests the fewer problems you’ll have. If you’re unable to recognize the signs of an infestation or don’t have the right tools to deal with one right away, your pest problems will only get bigger and more difficult to solve.

PH Harris has all of thehome pest control solutions you need, and you can have them delivered right to your door. Not only is this a quick way to get the products you need, but you can also start stocking up on what you might need in preparation for the coming year.

If you follow ourBug Blog andUltimate Guides pages you’ll also receive information about certain pests and pest concerns to increase your knowledge and be prepared for anything. Be sure to check back in so you can always stay one step ahead of any pests near you.