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Recommended Reads: Cockroaches the Ultimate Guide
The frustrating part about cockroaches is that once they have targeted an area (your home) to set up their nest, they can be extremely hard to get rid of. This is because they are constantly reproducing and multiplying in number to where their population is among hundreds and thousands. There are tons of products and roach killers out there that claim to get rid of cockroaches forever, but more often than not, they just keep coming back! So is there a way to get rid of cockroaches forever? Being that they were here long before dinosaurs and will be here long after us, that may be impossible. However, if you carry out a solid cockroach control program to exterminate the population and then keep up with solid proven preventative measures, it is possible to get rid of cockroaches from your dwelling place and keep them gone. The process starts with a little bit of education about cockroaches to learn their tendencies, strengths and weaknesses.
Why Do They Love Us? These most common cockroaches love us humans and where we live because we provide them the essentials they need for survival. Cockroaches live very simple lives; all they need is food, water and shelter. Unfortunately for us, our homes deliver to them plenty of warm cozy resting places and with our kitchens and pantries full of food and the plumbing, toilets, showers, and sinks, we give them easy access to water. We supply instant gratification for them with little work. Cockroaches are smarter than we tend to give them credit for because these cockroach species decided, “Why fend for ourselves out in the wild when we can live a life of luxury with these humans?” And so that is exactly what they do.
Knowing which cockroach species is scurrying around in your home is helpful in your quest to get rid of them. Different species of roach have their own special food preferences, dwelling preferences and habits. This information cannot be known unless you do your homework on the different types of cockroach and then closely observe a cockroach you find to determine their species. One of the easiest ways to figure out what species you may be dealing with is by laying out insect monitoring glue traps. These are tiny traps made from cardboard and carry a strong glue that will capture a roach and make it so they won’t be able to wriggle free. Depending on the trap you purchase, they may even contain cockroach pheromones or attractants that will lure the roach so they are captured quickly. Otherwise, you could sprinkle some food crumbs onto the trap to try to lure the cockroach over.
Recommended Read: What are the Different Types of Cockroaches?
Placement of your glue trap is crucial as you shouldn’t just choose any random spot to place the trap down and hope cockroaches crawl over it. You need to identify areas where your have seen roach activity and place them there such as in cabinets, near appliances or along baseboards.
Recommended Read: German Cockroach: How to Identify Them
Once a few roaches have been captured, you can pick up the monitor and closely observe the roach and its features. Compare the roach’s physical traits with images of the common cockroach species we have discussed and then educate yourself about the specific cockroach species (there’s a plethora of detailed information found online) and then you will know what cockroach you are up against and are better equipped with the right knowledge to get rid of them.Doing all the following above is no easy task and keeping up with it can take a lot of time but if you want no more roaches to deal with, this is what needs to be done so try to be as consistent as you can.
If you have ever hired a pest control exterminator in the past, have you ever wondered what they use to conduct an extermination? You may be surprised to find out that most of the products they use are readily available to the public and don’t require any license or certification to apply in your home.
Recommended Read: How to Kill Cockroaches
Professional pesticide concentrates are much stronger than what you would find in the pest control aisle of your local department store. All you need to do is dilute the product in water inside a sprayer and apply to the areas where the cockroaches have been active. The cockroaches which ingest or come into contact with these insecticides die shortly thereafter. Spray all the areas of cockroach activity, making sure not to skip any over and follow the safety directions carefully and you could see a significant dent to the cockroach population.