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The earlier you find a bed bug problem, the easier and less expensive it will be to treat. Searching for bed bugs is a fairly simple process and can be done using only a flashlight and a credit card. To catch a minor infestation early, it is important to know what to look for and where to find them.
Bed bugs are nocturnal and usually come out to feed during the night. They feed exclusively on blood, and the common bed bug (cimex lectularius) prefers humans. They are attracted to warmth and carbon dioxide, so they are most often found near a bed or sleeping area. This is the first and most important place to search. From the bed, expand your search outward until you have checked the entire room.
Pull back the bedding and inspect the sheets, mattress, and box spring. Using your flashlight and credit card (or other flat stiff object), comb across the mattress along seams, piping, tags, and crevices. Check all four corners of the mattress and lift it up to check the underside. Now shine the light into cracks that may be present on the headboard or bed frame. Once the bed has been thoroughly searched, move on to other surrounding furniture.