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Are Earwigs Bad For Your Garden?

Earwigs certainly aren’t a pleasant sight, but are they really bad for your garden? If your mother ever told you that this insect got its namesake for a habit of crawling into the ears of naughty children, you might have a strong disdain toward them.

However, earwigs aren’t nearly as bad as your memory might make them out to be. In this article, we’ll outline the pros and cons of having earwigs on your property. This way you can make an educated decision regarding whether you not you want this pest controlled or welcomed:

What Are Earwigs?

An earwig can be easily recognized by the large pair of pincers on their abdomen. These pincers make up a good portion of their ¾ inch long body. Like many small insects, it is reddish-brown in color with six legs and two antennae. 

Where there’s moisture, you’re likely to find an earwig or too. They love to hide under damp rocks or in wet, rotting wood during the day and then come out at night to feed. 

Why Earwigs Are Good

Despite their somewhat intimidating features, earwigs can actually be of benefit to your lawn and garden. They’re not very picky eaters, so they’ll munch on a lot of other pests like aphids and mites. While they get their fill, they protect your plants from getting eaten.

Additionally, it’s important to note that earwigs aren’t dangerous to humans. Their large pincers might pinch a little, but rarely will they break the skin and they don’t contain any venom or harmful toxins. They also don’t spread harmful bacteria like other pests sometimes do. 

Why Earwigs Are Bad

Unfortunately, earwigs will often expand their diets to include the plants in your garden. They have a particular love for the shoots of small, growing plants, but will also eat leaves and decay and anything else they find appetizing in your garden.

Earwigs in your yard will almost inevitably make their way into your home, and nobody wants that. If you have moisture buildup around your foundation, earwigs might find small entryways and start living in your basement or garage. 

Getting Rid of Earwigs

To keep earwigs away from your property, clear out any place where they might like to hide. Rotting logs and moist patches in your garden is a great place to start. Keeping a clean property will prevent earwigs from making their home in your home, or at least limit them to a manageable level.

If you really don’t want to see a single earwig, try someHarris Crawling Insect Killer. This product can be used both indoors and outdoors and will take care of a host of different pests, including earwigs, cockroaches, bed bugs, and much more. 

It’s up to you to decide if you’re OK with earwigs hanging around or not. If you see too many bite marks in the plants you’re trying so hard to grow, then visit to find a solution right away.